DeAndre Agee claims to have the best shoe game in UH
DeAndre Agee (right) with teammate Arthur Fraizer
Q: What is your favorite Ultimate Hoops memory?
A: My favorite UH Dream League memory was seeing my teammate Ross [Winnekins] posterize dunk someone (which came out of nowhere) an the look + reaction on everyones face in the gym was priceless. It was in a win while we were on a streak as well so it was just icing on the cake.
Bryan Munsell drives against Ben Juhlke
Q: Who in your league is the hardest player to guard?
A: For me personally i'd have to give it to Bryan Munsell. I remember sizing him up an just thinking "i'm taller than him, stronger, faster...i'm not letting him score". An after like the 10th point he scored on me I remember thinking no matter how much my hands were in his face....when he shoots it theres really nothing I can do, besides foul him before because it's going in. Humbling moment.
Q: Who in your league has the best shoe game?
A: I do, hands down. No question about it. Not cocky I just know how deep I used to be in the sneaker game. I played in new stuff (Kobe 10s, All Star Game Lebron 10s) as well as classics (Jordan 11 Concords from 2011 & 1994 Barkleys). This season I sometimes switched kicks at the half. Luke Hanlon along with most noticed the Breast Cancer KDs (the pink pair). I feel like those stood out the most.
Q: If you could only watch three television shows, what would they be?
Will Agee return to the Griffins?
A: Game of Thrones, Sopranos, Seinfeld
Q: Fill in the blank… Kevin Durant going to the Warriors is ________.
A: Irrelevant. Lebron brought a title to Cleveland. Let's just ride this wave until next year's finals.
Q: What is your favorite thing to do away from the basketball court?
A: 3 way tie between zone out on YouTube, travel & shop online.
Q: Your best basketball friend is who?
A: My guy Jordan Helgeland. He'll most likely be entering the [Dream League] draft this year.
Q: Your pre-game playlist must include which artist?
A: Tony Lanez
Q: Your favorite quote is what?
A: ....I can't think of just 1 of them but 99.9% of the things Kanye West says I agree with.
Q: Your city is the nation’s best basketball city because…..
A: This is where Alan Arlt resides.